
Through this page you can see the installation steps of the files.

Thx for choosing us: Thank you for appreciating our work and shopping in our workshop. In the section below, you can get information about the installation of the files.

1 - Download files

First, download the script from KeyMaster. Then move it to your resources folder.

2 - SQL installation

Then go to the players (for QB) or users (for ESX) table in your SQL and create the following columns.

3 - Config and Fxmanifest customization

Go to fxmanifest.lua and remove the SQL line you used in the server_scripts section from being a comment line. After doing this, go to config.lua. Then customize the Config.Framework, Config.SQL, Config.SQLPlayer and thug-nametags-v2:notify sections according to your own server.

After performing these steps, the script will run smoothly. Enjoy 😉

Last updated